About Us

That Was Then...

The Bride
I'm a photographer a friend, a daughter, a sister and a fiance. I'm beyond obsessed with all things vintage, and I'm LOVING using my creativity in planning my wedding! In preparation for my move into "wifehood", I started reading "The Excellent Wife". Let's just say I've been very convicted! This book has been life changing and helped me realize the true roles of the wife. All my hopes and dreams for the future are wrapped up in my desire to be a Godly wife and a good caregiver, supporter, and helper for my husband (and my future family).
Now let's get down to the mushy gushy...

I'm terribly romantic. From a very young age I was enthralled with romance and the thought of "being in love". My friends definitely know this first hand. We would all sit and giggle about the cute boys, and I would talk about how charming my boy would be. How he'd sweep me off my feet and understand me perfectly. However, anyone who has ever been, or even met a guy knows that this is impossible. Men DON'T understand women. Period. But regardless of the impossible chances, somehow I found the single created man who understands me better than I understand myself sometimes. It's crazy how he can know how I'm feeling before I've even sifted through my thoughts and come to the conclusion that it's how I feel. God has been abundantly good to me, and as I stare out the window and daydream about the future, I only realize more and more how much God blessed me by bringing Austin into my life.

To My Fiance:
Love, I can't wait to walk down the aisle to you and promise to be your bride forever! You mean the world to me and I can't wait to take care of you, and cherish you, for all the days of my life.

The Groom
Me huh? Well most people probably care more about the bride ;) but I will tell you all a bit about myself. I’m not much for words (ha!) but I’ll do my best. I’m always up for going out with friends, having a good time, eating some food, or watching a movie. Being with friends and family as often as I can get away from the good old job is very important to me. Within my circle, I am a friend, son, brother, uncle and soon to be husband. I enjoy soccer and lifting, and I like to go outdoors often. I love music in all senses of the word and like to play some when I’m in the mood. I’ve recently acquired a taste for woodworking and have begun to explore that. As we all know the bills have to be paid, so I graduated Corban University in May 2010 with an accounting degree and will be taking a job in auditing.

About the “Big Day,” I grew up wanting to find a wonderful woman and marry her. So I did just that very thing ;) I am very excited to be a husband (and father one day). I look forward to providing for Jacki as her new husband and starting our life together when the day finally comes. She is a woman both beautiful and amazing, and I am a lucky guy. Although we don’t always know what’s going on, we love each other dearly and are ready to spend our lives together.

To my love:
My dearest Jacquelyn, I care about you more than I could ever tell you, and I am so thankful God brought us together. Seeing you walk down the aisle to me is going to be the happiest moment of my life. I can’t wait to begin our life together as your loving husband. You are wonderful, I love you with all my heart!

And This Is Now...