Thursday, May 5, 2011

What are you drinking?

My most recently discovered DIY craft for my wedding, started in the $1 aisle at Michaels.
I ran across these little $2 picture frames while my sister shopped for a Mother's Day present :) They are so cute, I couldn't resist! I grabbed a couple cans of spray paint, and got to work. I'm going to use these for drink labels at my wedding. I'm so excited!

These are the three designs I chose, and I got two of each. As soon as I got home, I grabbed the roll of butcher block paper and headed out to the back patio. The picture frames all had a thin sheet of plastic glued in place that acted as the glass. So I cut that out and started spray painting. Here are the results! :)

I will post an update with the finished product once I put all the pretty paper and labels in! :)

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