Sunday, October 9, 2011

Vintage Fall Wreath

I found this wreath on Martha Stewart's craft website, and had to make my own! I used two antique books that I found at Value Village for only $3.50 for the pair, and all the wire and floral tape I had left over from my wedding.

To Begin...

I started by drawing a leaf on printer paper to use as a stencil. I traced and cut out about 40 leaves from the antiqued book pages.

I then cut about five inch segments of Paper Stem Wire (18 gauge) and glued them to
 the backs of the leaves.


Make bunches of 2-3 leaves and twist the stems together


Once the leaves are all twisted together, it's time to make the wreath frame.
Cut approximately 4 feet of wire (I used a roll of bark covered wire, also 18 gauge).
Bend the wire in half and twist it together. Then creating a circle,
thread the loose ends through the folded loop,
and bend them back over the same direction they came from.
Use the floral tape to cover the folded wire and secure it.

Start adding leaves!

I included this photo to show you what NOT to do. I tried, and it did not work very well :)

Instead, lay the bundle stems flat along the wreath, and use the floral tape to hold them in place.
As you go, cut small sections of the same wire used for the wreath shape,
and wrap it over the floral tape. Make sure it is completely covered.

When it's finished, it should look something like this:


This is one of my favorite leaves cut from an "Art in American History" book :)

I added a few curly twigs to mine to give it some character, but you could add acorns, real dried leaves, or even pinecones in too!

What fall craft ideas do you have? Please share!

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