Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Picture Wall

I'm tired of my apartment looking like just that... I want it to feel like a home! Part of that is the walls... bare, blank walls. They feel so cold and uninviting! So this morning, I spent a long while looking at "wall photo arrangements" for inspiration on Google. Then I started in on my own walls!

I measured out all the photo frames, and taped the outlines to the wall. I will forever use tape before hammering holes into my wall! It's my new favorite thing :) Here's what I've planned! Tell me what you think...

The letters for "Moore" above the TV... They're even from our wedding!

P.s. I just had to show off my new project! This is an old barrel I got from a store that was throwing them out. I'm turning it into a laundry hamper! I'm sewing a white bag for the inside :)

I'll post more when everything is finished!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! I am wanting to do a gallery wall so bad!! Such a good idea to tape the frames out. I'm totally gonna do that!
