Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Being newlyweds, our Christmas budget is pretty small. So I decided to make my niece some playdough for Christmas this year! I found an incredible recipe on AdelynStone- it's not too salty that it leaves a dry film on your hands, and it doesn't crumble and fall apart! I even kept a little for myself... you can never be too old for playdough, am I right?!


1 C Flour
1 C Water
1/4 C Salt
1 TBSP Vegetable Oil
2 tsp Cream of Tarter
Food Coloring or a packet of KoolAid mix... (I used the gel food coloring and found that it worked much better when dissolved into the water first using warm water and mixing it together before adding the other ingredients)
Sparkles (If you want!)
Sauce Pan and Wooden Spoon

Mix all the ingredients together in no particular order... Because I was using small jars, I made half a batch for each color. It worked great to just cut everything in half, and I just guessed on the oil!

Heat in pan over medium heat and stir CONSTANTLY. Don't stop stirring until the dough clumps up into one large ball. You'll see the dough "cook" and become the right consistency.
Here's how mine turned out! Merry Christmas Bellalisa :)

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