Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Confessions about the Dentist

Let me start by saying, anyone who knows me how much I loathe going to the dentist. I mean seriously… how could anyone not mind someone scraping and scratching at their teeth? Their TEETH?! Oh my gosh I get nauseous thinking about it. Not only that, but this will be my first time at the new dentist since getting married. Now that you know that fact about me…

I went to the dentist today. I was so sick last night thinking about it, I had to trick myself into thinking it wasn’t tomorrow so I could actually fall asleep. Wah! 

But now comes the confession… I think I might love my new dentist.

Say, whaaat?!

Yes. You heard right. I love her. She’s the sweetest dentist I’ve ever met! She made me so super not nervous, and I even let her touch my teeth! She was checking my wisdom teeth for me since they’ve been making me absolutely crazy! I’m going back for a cleaning next week, and I’m not nervous at all now. Whew… Glad that is all over now!

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