Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Wait…. What?!

This past weekend was a little crazy for us. Let me start with the not-so-crazy. I worked all day Saturday and got home just in time to take the kitties over to Petco and get their vaccinations. When we got there, we were looking at their packages and talking to the vet- $170 for the kitten package PER KITTEN! My goodness! Then to top it off, the vet was exceptionally rude and arrogant, talking down to us as though we were 3yr olds! I was extremely frustrated. We decided to take their flyer and talk it over together, because let’s be honest… they are inside only and don’t need half of the vaccinations that veterinarians are trying to push these days!

We went home and I started looking up animal shelters and veterinarian prices. I found an animal hospital that has a “Special Price Thursday” where the vaccinations and exams are at a discounted price! Perfect. We took them in on Sunday after church to start their shots and just get an initial checkup to make sure they’re healthy. We haven’t had any concerns or issues, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry!

When the vet came in she was SO nice! She was friendly, caring, and such a sweet woman. I was so relieved after or run-in with the evil Petco Vet! She was giving Tallie her little checkup- feeling her tummy, joints, looking at her teeth- making sure everything worked properly. She flipped her over and said, “So this is the boy, right?”





Austin and I looked at each other and back at the vet. There was about a twenty second pause of awkward silence.

“Well… No.. They’re both girls…?”

“Oh, no honey. This is a boy.”

Austin and I just stared at her. Austin was holding Mila and held her out. “Well what about this one?”

“That’s a little boy too. You’ve got two boys! Let me just change that on the charts here…”

Haha What in the world?! We have two boy kittens. It’s been so weird trying to remember to call them “he” and “the little BOYS” instead!

No more pretty little collars with flowers and bows… and now they have to get used to their new names! No more Mila and Tallie.

Meet Milo and Theo (how cute is it that I can say “THEODORE MOORE!” When I’m mad! Haha!).


Welcome to my crazy, silly little world :)

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