Monday, October 25, 2010


It seems that my life is completely taken over by work! Working two jobs and trying to get the ball rolling with my photography is rather difficult... I constantly have so much to do and so little time to do it! However, I truly love bringing home the paychecks ;) If I had tried having two jobs a year ago I would have absolutely lost my mind! i don't know what's changed.... maybe my motives are the answer. Trying to save money for next summer is a HUGE motivation! In fact, it's all I can think about some days :\ But let's not get distracted. The point of this is to complain about being too busy.

This is usually my thought process throughtout the day:

... What time do I work?... Ugh I'm hungry.... What time do I work next?... Ugh I'm hungry... Must. Edit. Pictures!... Ugh I'm hungry... What time do I work tomorrow?... Sleep time?...

Yes. Those are my ONLY thoughts all day long. Nothing else matters. Work, Food, Pictures, Sleep.
My life. Good thing I love what I do...


1 comment:

  1. don't forget about thinking about your awesome bf ;)
