Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mommy for a week...

I'm sitting here at almost 1:30 with a desk full of papers in front of me. I'm in the process of cutting out bridesmade dress ideas, paying school loans and bills, grading my sister's math work, and trying to find all the papers I need in the ever-growing mountain between me and this computer screen. But want to know the best part? I've been up since 7:30 and I haven't even showered yet! I'm wearing an array of grunge clothes I found on my bedroom floor, and I finally found a precious pink heaband with sparkly flowers to hold my greasy bangs out of my face... I hope no mormons or neighbor kids come knocking on my door- I'm a sight to behold! I probably could have used this to my advantage if today was halloween instead...

While I bask in the glory of getting up two hours earlier than I'm used to, cleaning sleepy faces, and making breakfast and school lunches for three energetic children (while I'm still in my groggy "I'm still asleep but I'm walking around because I have to" state of morning), my mom is basking in sunshine, warmth, and the splendor of Hawaii.

Can I just say I'll take a rain check on having children of my own for a while? Maybe I'll consider it when my siblings are old enough to take care of my children for me while I take a trip to Hawaii for a week...

Afterall, that's what siblings are for... Right? Time for some heavy duty coffee.

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