Wednesday, January 5, 2011

A Romantic Picnic...

I know it's non-traditional, but I can't get the idea of a picnic style wedding out of my head! I love the idea of something whimsical and romantic. What better day to get completely surround your self with romance?! I'd love to get caught up in that on my wedding day rather than the stress of overseeing every little deal of my wedding. I feel like having a "fun" wedding rather than a sophisticated and elegant wedding, will be a better representation of both Austin and I as people. Not to mention it'll be fun to remember lots of laughs and feeling relaxed and free on my big day!

I  don't want a super formal affair. I'm not a formal person! I like elegance, but still relaxed. Because the majority of my family friends have at least one- if not several- young children, we need to incorporate something that will include them and give the little ones some entertainment too. However, I don't want it to be a "kids over here, adults over there" mentality. I would love to have whatever we choose be something that will include everyone. No matter what age! What to do... ?

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