Monday, January 3, 2011

Something Old...

I set out today to find some vintage style decor for my wedding! I went to my favorite antique store, The Red Door, and felt like I died and went to Heaven!

Austin and spent a few hours in there several months ago, and I found a gorgeous steamer trunk I just HAD to have! When I turned the price tag over, in large red writing it said: "SOLD". Of course, I thought. So my one thought the whole time was driving there today, was just Please let there be an amazing trunk! PLEASE let there be an amazing trunk! PLEASE LET THERE BE AN AMAZING TRUNK!

Right outside the front door, my wish came true. There, sitting on the ground in front of me, was a perfectly aged trunk! Just look at this beauty:

We're going to use this trunk to hold our gifts at our wedding, and then I can use it for decoration in our house after :)

I also bought a small storage box that I' will use for cards at the wedding, and will turn into my wedding keepsake box after the big day! I'm so in love with it I can't even stand it!

I can't wait for my wedding and for all the little details to all come together. It'll be perfect :)

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